500 hour yoga TTC in Rishikesh, india

Rishikesh Yog Sansthan provides superior quality 500-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, and its world-class course is sought after for its authenticity. Rishikesh Yog Sansthan is a premier Registered Yoga School and your top choice for yoga teacher training courses. The institution is situated near Ram Jhula, Rishikesh, India, where passionate seekers of Yoga can attend residential training for 500 hours. The 500H YTTC at Rishikesh Yog Sansthan has paved the way for Yoga students from far and wide like the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, and so on, to get closer to their aspirations of becoming Yoga Teachers.

Completing a 500 hour YTTC with us means joining thousands of our alumni worldwide who have experienced PEACE through the path to find it via our authentic and structured approach towards imparting timeless yogic knowledge. You are welcome here despite your expertise in Yoga. The confidence you gain while you transition from a student to a teacher will give you the power and confidence to empower others who wish to embark on a magical Yogic voyage. 500 hours yoga teacher training course at Rishikesh Yog Sansthan provides you with the blueprint for building yourself into a Yoga teacher that you desire to be.

Key Points:

  • Certified by Yoga Alliance USA.
  • Training in Hatha, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa Yoga.
  • Located in the peaceful and scenic Rishikesh.
  • Learn from experienced and knowledgeable yoga teachers.
  • Develop yoga skills and self-confidence.
  • Immersion in the yogic lifestyle.
  • Accommodation and nutritious vegetarian meals included.

Rishikesh Yog Sansthan's 500 hour yoga ttc in Rishikesh is essentially a two-stage program – In your first month, you will undergo training in the entry level 200-hour yoga teacher training course. This will introduce the essence of Yoga from the very beginning and you get to build up from there to the next level. Next begins the second stage. An intensive 300-hour yoga training program will take you through a much more advanced course with comprehensive coverage of advanced topics and postures.

Students can experience the : Spiritual Growth, Balanced personality, Healthy food habits, Overall Transformation etc., while studying the 200 hour and followed by 300 hour yoga TTC. There will be flow in the student's learning processes and growth.

Course fee include: 500 Hour Yoga TTC

FREE taxi pick-up (from Dehradun (DED) Airport)

Yogic Food (100% Vegetarian Meals)

Accommodation with attached washroom

Special Dietary (Raw, Vegan, Gluten-free)

24*7 Free Wi-Fi

2 times Tea a day (Indian/Ayurvedic/Herbal).

Certificate: RYT 500 Hour by Yoga Alliance

Teaching Materials and Modules

Course fee not include: 500 Hour Yoga TTC

Ayurvedic Panchakarma & Treatment

Air-conditioner (On Additional Charges)

Visa fee/ Air fare

Taxi pick-up from Delhi and Haridwar

Course fee & dates: 500 Hour Yoga TTC





3 Aug - 15 Sep 2024
3 Sep - 13 Oct 2024
3 Oct - 13 Nov 2024
3 Nov - 14 Dec 2024
3 Dec - 13 Jan 2024
3 Jul - 15 Feb 2025

Certified Yoga School in Rishikesh

Our yoga school in Rishikesh is proudly certified by Yoga Alliance USA. This certification ensures that our Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) meets the highest standards of quality and integrity. Yoga Alliance USA is a globally recognized organization that sets the standards for yoga teacher training programs.

Join our Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) in Rishikesh, India. These course are certified by Yoga Alliance USA. It is perfect for those who want to become a certified yoga teacher. Our program is based on traditional Hatha, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa Yoga. You will learn from experienced teachers in a peaceful location near the holy river Ganga.

Key Points:

  • Certified by Yoga Alliance USA.
  • Training in Hatha, Ashtanga, and Vinyasa Yoga.
  • Located in the peaceful and scenic Rishikesh.
  • Learn from experienced and knowledgeable yoga teachers.
  • Develop yoga skills and self-confidence.
  • Immersion in the yogic lifestyle.
  • Accommodation and nutritious vegetarian meals included.

Rishikesh is known as the Yoga Capital of the World. It is a beautiful valley surrounded by the Himalayan mountains. Our 500-Hour Yoga Teacher Training will help you develop your yoga skills and build self-confidence. You will also learn about meditation and yoga philosophy. This course is a great way to start your journey as a yoga teacher.

Daily schedule for 500 hour yoga TTC

The 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training Course at Rishikesh Yog Sansthan follows a strict schedule in compliance with Yoga Alliance standards. Each day, you will spend approximately 6 to 7 hours immersed in various aspects of yoga. This intensive training is designed to be both challenging and enlightening.



6:00 to 6:45 am
7:00 to 8:30 am
Hatha Yoga Asana
8:30 to 9:45 am
Breakfast & Rest
10:00 to 11:00 am
11:15 to 12:15 pm
Ayurveda & Anatomy
12:30 to 01:30 pm
01:30 to 03:30 pm
Lunch & Rest
03:30 to 05:00 pm
Ashtanga-Vinyasa Asana
05:15 to 06:30 pm
Mantras & Meditation
06:30 to 07:30 pm
Self Study
07:30 to 08:00 pm
09:00 pm
Lights Off

Note: Depending on the season, weather the timetable and timings can be subject to change.

Course Syllabus: 500 Hour Yttc

The following subjects are indicative of what you will study on this course:

Learn the basics of yoga poses with styles like Hatha, Ashtanga, and Iyengar. We start with simple postures and gradually increase the difficulty. Daily practice helps you master the asanas, adjustments, and breathing techniques.

  • Sitting / Meditative Postures
  • Standing Postures
  • Balancing Postures
  • Inverted Postures
  • Twisting Postures
  • Forward Bend Postures
  • Back Bend Postures
  • Dynamic Postures
  • Relaxing Postures

Discover the art of breathing control with Pranayama. Learn how to regulate your breath to enhance life energy, improve health, and achieve mental calmness. This practice is essential for a successful yoga career.

  • Introduction of Pranayama
  • Natural Breathing
  • Abdominal Breathing
  • Cavicular Breathing
  • Thoracic Breathing
  • Yogic Breathing
  • Nadi Shodhana
  • Bhastrika
  • Kapalbhati
  • Bhramari
  • Shitali
  • Shitkari
  • Surya Bhedana
  • Chandra Bhedana

Mudras are hand gestures that express different states of mind and awaken inner energy. Learn various mudras like Jnana, Chinmaya, and Prana Mudra to enhance your yoga practice and meditation.

  • Jnana Mudra
  • Chin Mudra
  • Yoni Mudra
  • Bhairava Mudra
  • Hridaya Mudra
  • Nasikagra Mudra
  • Khechari Mudra

Bandhas are body locks that help store energy in specific parts of the body. Regular practice of bandhas can control prana and awaken Kundalini energy.

  • Introduction of Bandha
  • Moola Bandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Jalandhara Bandha
  • Maha Bandha

Meditation is about achieving a peaceful mind through relaxation, focus, and awareness. Learn different meditation techniques to improve mental clarity and emotional balance.

  • Introduction of Meditation
  • Benefits of Meditation
  • Om Meditation
  • Mantra Chanting Meditation
  • Soham Meditation
  • Shiva Meditation
  • Yoga Nidra Meditation
  • Tratak (Candle) Meditation
  • Chakra Meditation
  • Buddha Meditation (Vipassana)
  • Inner Light Meditation
  • Prana Meditation
  • Kundalini Meditation

Mantra chanting is a spiritual practice that helps reduce stress and bring happiness. Chanting sacred verses and hymns balances emotions and promotes mental well-being.

  • Guru Stotram - Akhanda Mandalakaram
  • Patanjali Prayer - Yogena Chittasya Padena Vacham
  • Shanti Mantra - Om Sahana Vavatu
  • Pavamana Mantra - Asato Mā Sadgamaya
  • Food Prayer - Brahmarpanam Brahma
  • Completeness Mantra - Om Purnamadah Purnamidam

Understand the principles and history of yoga. Learn the traditional and modern concepts of yoga philosophy to guide your practice and achieve a balanced life.

  • Neti (Nasal cleansing technique)
  • Trataka (Gazing practice)
  • Kapalbhati (Cleansing the lungs)
  • Dhauti (Vomiting practice)
  • Nauli (Intra-abdominal massage)
  • Basti (Reverse Enema)

Gain knowledge of the human body's structure and functions. Understanding anatomy and physiology helps you perform yoga poses safely and effectively.

Learn about Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of natural medicine. Discover how herbs and a proper diet can prevent and cure diseases, promoting overall health.

Shatkarma includes six cleansing techniques that purify the body. Learn these kriyas to detoxify and prepare your body for deeper yoga practices.

Learn how to teach yoga effectively. This section covers teaching methods, student engagement, practical sessions, and the ethics of being a yoga teacher.

Focus on the correct alignment and adjustment of yoga poses. Learn how to correct postures to prevent injuries and enhance the benefits of each asana.

Discover how yoga can treat and prevent diseases. Learn therapeutic yoga techniques to address various health issues and promote holistic healing.

Activity During Yoga TTC & Retreat In Rishikesh

Enjoy the course activities and excursions

Early bird special! Save $100 on Yoga TTC Programs. Limited spots available. Apply Now

Rishikesh Yog Sansthan is a Yoga Alliance-registered school in Rishikesh. We follow high standards for our yoga teacher training and retreats. You can trust the quality of our programs, which meet the strict criteria set by the Yoga Alliance. Join us for Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh.

Accommodation & Food - Rishikesh Yog Sansthan

You Get Best Facility In Rishikesh
Sattvic and Healthy

Healthy Yogic Food

As the old saying goes, "We are what we eat". It is always necessary to watch what we consume, for it is a known fact that the food we eat not only affects our physical health, but also translates into our emotions and thoughts. Instead of categorising food into the usual carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, the science of Yoga groups food according to the way they influence our mind and body. The state of our mind and body is divided into three stages– Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Tamasic foods are the kind of foods that affect you in such a way that we end up feeling lethargic and dysfunctional. Rajasic foods tend to make you bring about hyperactivity and a sort of irritable restlessness. Sattvic foods, however, are the most balanced. They make you feel just right, in good spirits, and full of life.

Key Features

  • 100% Vegetarian Indian Traditional Cuisine
  • Meals inspired by ancient medical science of Ayurveda
  • 3 fresh Yogic meals a day
  • Herbal tea or Detox Juices
  • Required proteins and calories in a balanced diet
  • 24 Hours filtered hot & cold water
A Peaceful Stay in Rishikesh

Accommodation & Stay

Rishikesh Yog Sansthan is located at the very heart of Rishikesh. Come stay with us for a transformative experience that stays with you for an eternity. The Holy river Ganga is just a five-minute walk away, perfect for an evening stroll. Our accommodation meets standards with tidy rooms that are inviting and cosy. You have the option to choose from private accommodation or a shared room. All rooms have clean beds and blankets, attached bathrooms with water heater system, and periodic clean-up facilities. Filtered drinking water is available in the kitchen. The entire school has WiFi access, and a well-equipped library with several books for your reference.

Rooms are equipped with

  • Private bathroom with Western commode
  • Comfortable mattress and pillows
  • Clean sheets and blankets
  • Standard attached bathroom with WC and water heater
  • Regular housekeeping
  • Balcony with a view (selected rooms only)
  • 24x7 WiFi connectivity
Yoga TTC and Yoga Retreats in Rishikesh, India click here to join

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500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course in Rishikesh Yog Sansthan

Upon completion, receive certification as a confident yoga instructor

500 Hour YTTC : Evaluation

  • Written assessment - Completion of assignment
  • Student's conduct throughout the training will be an essential criteria
  • Practical assessment - designing, sequencialising and conducting Yoga session
  • Attendance - minimum 90% wherein student must have presented the valid and agreed reason for 10% absenteeism

Aims and Objectives

  • To protect the traditional values of Yoga.
  • To spread the true hatha yoga knowledge and differentiate other yoga styles.
  • To encourage disease free life with concepts of Yoga Therapy.
  • Training according to Yoga lifestyle.
  • To cultivate mental peace and spiritual growth through regular practice.

Discipline Rules during the Course

  • Smoking and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the school.
  • If you are on fasting or absent for meals, you have to inform kitchen manager for avoiding food wastage.
  • Always make discipline, respect teachers and follow all rules.
  • Always be in the time, you are late means will not be permitted to join class.
  • Clear your account of books before departure from Rishikesh Yog Sansthan.
  • Before departure return any other assistances if taken.
  • Rishikesh Yog Sansthan provides accommodation for a student who join yoga classes. So any friends or relatives will not be included in accommodation.
  • Student have to be present in all scheduled program of Rishikesh Yog Sansthan

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Yoga Teacher Training Course & Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh, India

Frequently Asked Questions

Question You May Have Before Joining Us

How is the weather in Rishikesh?

Rishikesh has varied weather each season: Summer (March to June): Warm, with temperatures from 15°C to 40°C. Monsoon (July to September): Heavy rain, with temperatures from 24°C to 35°C. Autumn (October to November): Pleasant, with temperatures from 15°C to 25°C. Winter (December to February): Cold, with temperatures from 5°C to 20°C. Each season offers a different experience for yoga practice.

What is 200-hour yoga Teacher training course?

The 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC) is a foundational program that covers essential topics like yoga history, anatomy, asanas, pranayama, and meditation. It also teaches practical skills for aspiring yoga teachers, such as class sequencing, demonstration techniques, and classroom preparation. This course is a minimum requirement to become a certified yoga instructor.

Can I stay in Rishikesh after the Yoga TTC?

Yes, you can stay in Rishikesh after completing the Yoga TTC. Rishikesh is a peaceful place with many opportunities to continue your yoga practice, explore the local culture, or simply relax by the river. You can extend your stay by booking accommodation at a guesthouse or hotel.

What should I bring for the Yoga TTC in Rishikesh?

You can find most everyday items you need in shops near our yoga school. We suggest bringing any special items you can’t live without, like personal care products or your favorite snacks from home.

Do I need a Visa?

First, students should apply for a tourist visa as it is easy and granted from the Indian embassy in a short period of time, the purpose of visiting India should be yoga retreats or Ayurveda retreats. Students may give our school address as well as a contact number for an Indian reference. Contact details for the Indian embassy in your country can be found. In general order, the visa expiry date is counted from the day visa is issued. Please verify it with the concerned embassy. Try to apply for your visa at least 2 to 3 weeks before your travel date.

Do I need yoga experience to join the Yoga TTC?

No prior yoga experience is required to join the Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC). The course is designed for beginners as well as those looking to deepen their practice and knowledge, making it suitable for all levels.

Is it safe to travel alone to Rishikesh?

Yes, it is very much safe to travel alone to Rishikesh, many tourists do it. It might be a difficult task to travel by local buses or trains sometimes if you are never been to India before, as it's very different from other parts of the world.

I don’t want to be a teacher, can I still take the training?

Yes, you can still take the training even if you don’t want to be a teacher. The Yoga TTC is great for deepening your personal practice and learning more about yoga. It's not only for those who want to teach.

How many students are there in the classes/courses?

Our classes typically have 15-20 students, ensuring personalized attention and a supportive learning environment.

What certification do I receive upon successful completion of the Yoga course?

Upon successful completion of the course, you'll be awarded an RYT 200/300 Hours by Rishikesh Yog Sansthan in compliance with Yoga Alliance USA.

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Upcoming Courses

  • 3rd Sep 2024

100 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

11 Days Airport transfer included Instructed in English All meals included
  • 3rd Sep 2024

200 Hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

24 Days Airport transfer included Instructed in English All meals included